Forest and environmental management


Forest and environmental management senior technician

Durada dels estudis

2.000 hours (two school years)

  • 1.617 hours in the educational centre
  • 383 hours in traineeship
Què estudiaràs?
  • Agronomy botanics
  • Phytopathology
  • Field topography
  • Agroforestry machinery and facilities
  • Environmental education techniques
  • Forest exploitation management 
  • Forest nursery organization and management
  • Hunting management
  • Inland fishing management
  • Forest management
  • Environmental preservation management
  • Forest fire prevention and warding
  • Forest management and environmental preservation project
  • Training and career counseling
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Training in workplace
De què treballaràs?
  • Forest fire fighting and prevention units coordinator
  • Manager in plague and forest disease prevention companies
  • Handyman in topography works
  • Forest manager or foreman
  • General nursery manager
  • Game, fish and crustacean repopulation manager
  • Inland fishing and hunting species habitat development manager
  • Predator and invasive species control specialized worker
  • Hunting manager
  • Field surveillance tasks coordinator
  • Hunting and fishing tourism company manager
  • Forester or equivalent
  • Environmental guard
On treballaràs?

In the management division of small, medium and big-scale companies, public or private, either as an employee or self-employed worker: forest management; hunting and fishing management; forest nursery; environmental awareness programs development; in information, education and communication related jobs and in escorting and guidance tasks; environmental and resource control and surveillance.

Also in forest fire extinction tasks, as well as management, control and execution tasks related to pesticide handling, according to the regulations in force.

Training in workplace also acts as a gatewa y to the job market.