School and business

Partnership agreements

Ajuntament de Barcelona. Àrea de Medi Ambient

Ajuntament de Barcelona. Àrea de Medi Ambient

It has been a valuable asset for our school throughout its history, offering traineeships in Barcelona’s finest gardens such as Laberint dHorta, Palau Reial, Parc de la Trinitat and Tres Pins Municipal nursery. It also plays an active role in several events developed by the Department of Environment such as Fes de casa teva un jardí - Turn your house into a garden. Many of our students carry out TiW there.

Associació Catalana d’Escola d’Art Floral i Jardineria

Associació Catalana d’Escola d’Art Floral i Jardineria

A gathering of every gardening and floral arts school in Catalonia offering green branch regulated studies.

Centre de Formació del Laberint

Centre de Formació del Laberint

Up until 1993 its duties were taken over by our school. We have worked closely in our 75th anniversary celebration, and are engaged in co-responsibility agreements. Many of our students receive specialized training there.

Confederació d'Horticultura Ornamental de Catalunya (CHOC)

Confederació d'Horticultura Ornamental de Catalunya (CHOC)

We are represented there by Associació dEscoles. As well as echoing its campaigns, we promote it as a green sector organization.

Consorci Forestal de Catalunya

Consorci Forestal de Catalunya

Diputació de Barcelona

Diputació de Barcelona

Commissioned by Diputació de Barcelona, our school hosts practical courses destined to gardeners and gardening squad staff from our province.

Fundació BCN Formació Professional

Fundació BCN Formació Professional

Belonging to Ajuntament de Barcelona, it regularly cooperates with our school. Over the last years we have developed together several traineeship, counseling and publicity projects. We have also participated together in Concurs FP Emprèn, in Beca-Empresa project and Pla de mesures pel foment de la innovació (INNOVAFP).



A company devoted to studying and supporting the environment. Our collaboration consists in the recovery of endangered species, especially frogs and other amphibians. It takes place in Tres Pins nursery.

Garten-& Landschaftsbau in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Jardí i Paisatgisme al Rin del Nord – Westfalia)

Garten-& Landschaftsbau in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Jardí i Paisatgisme al Rin del Nord – Westfalia)

A gardening and landscaping German corporate organization affiliating 900 companies. Since 2013 it hosts students from our school in internships, boosting their employability.

Girona Temps de Flors

Girona Temps de Flors

Every year in May, our second-course gardening sudents engage in the permanent landscaping of a Girona urban area, as part of Girona Temps de Flors, which is regarded as the most important gardening and floral arts related event in Catalonia.

Gremi de Jardineria de Catalunya

Gremi de Jardineria de Catalunya

In regular touch with our school, we have taken part in the latest celebration of Fòrum Verd, and contributed in improving the gardening educational program.

Institució d’Estudis Agraris (ICEA ). Filial de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC)

Institució d’Estudis Agraris (ICEA ). Filial de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC)

Our schook participates in a research group on gardening historical heritage called “Gardens and gardeners: Art, Science and Craftsmanship in the Catalan Countries”.

Jardí Botànic de Barcelona. Museu de Ciències Naturals

Jardí Botànic de Barcelona. Museu de Ciències Naturals

Our school has made several landscaping works as part of internships. Each school year it hosts three students in a plan to expand their technical knowledge. It hosts TiW students.



We have submitted a proposal to landscape its outdoor area. It has also hosted our 75th anniversary display. Our institution regularly keeps in touch with it.

Museu Marítim de Barcelona

Museu Marítim de Barcelona

Barcelona’s naval museum has offered us the possibility to cooperate in Baluart garden structural redesign. Located in Portal de Santa Madrona, it is the only piece of the city wall still standing in place. If our submission is accepted, we will begin remodelling the gardens, currently in a severely decaying state.

Parc de Collserola

Parc de Collserola

Thanks to an agreement with Consorci del Parc de Collserola, our Forest Management and Natural Environment students undergo tree cutting and clearing traineeships in Collserola park. Our current task consists in reopening the path from Horta to Cerdanyola.



Winner of Pla Buits Urbans amb Implicació Territorial i Social (BUITS), it has been assigned the Font de la Guatlla area to manage an urban orchard. Our school has offered to cooperate in any technical work that may arise. This project began in late 2013.

Universitat Catalana d’Estiu (UCE)

Universitat Catalana d’Estiu (UCE)

We have coordinated a gardening training course and submitted proposals to landscape their office in Prada de Conflent.


Xarxa FP

Xarxa FP

A subsidiary of Fundació BCN Formació Professional, it offers a limited amount of abroad internships. It also organizes internships in other EU countries for teaching and managing staff, in order for them to improve their teaching skills.