International mobility
Since 2007, Institut Rubió i Tudurí is sending students abroad on internship programs (mainly within the European Union). In most cases their transportation and lodging expenses are paid for through ERASMUS and LEONARDO European Programs. There is also the possibility to undergo a Workplace Training Program (FCT – Formació en Centre de Treball) in a Spanish company. In the latter case, however, the student will pay for their expenses.
Financial support is managed by Fundació BCN - Formació professional de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona (and also by Departament d’Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya until 2013), which offers a limited number of vacancies each school year. Second-course students from any training cycle have two options available: they can either undergo their FCT training module in a European country company or through a workplace abroad stay destined to graduate students (September through November).
In 2013 a new European agreement was developed along with North Rhine-Westphalia gardening guild (Garten & Landschaftsbau in Nordrhein-Westfalen), a group of more than 900 local gardening companies. They offer our current and former students a chance to carry out their internships in German companies.
Erasmus Policy Statement (Overall Strategy)
Since 2007, Institut Tudurí Rubio is following a policy to promote enhancing students’ education through internships and foreign institutions, mainly in the European Union. We brought back the spirit of the 60’s and 70’s when students, after completing their courses, were encouraged to extend their studies and internships in companies of other European countries, especially France.
The goals that motivate us to participate in the international mobility are the technical knowledge and different professional approaches in our country and the will to give students and teachers the option to reach new personal and professional possibilities.
Within the scope of our specialty, we are interested in having members with different characteristics: private companies, in particular SMEs, and renowned public and private institutions, mainly those that can offer students extra quality and expertise in their training. We have sent students to private companies (Ireland, Switzerland, Finland, France, Germany) and public companies (Great Britain, Portugal ) . We have initiated contacts with English institutions for permanent members of the Foundation and through BCN -FP and FP Cities Network - edutation -work are members of various European cities that facilitate companies where there is mobility.
Recently we have established direct relationships with Garten -& LANDSCHAFTSBAU in Nordrhein-Westfalen, a gardening and landscaping business organization comprising 900 German companies. Since 2013 it hosts our students for internships, which provide many opportunities to get a first job. Our territorial scope is very broad and covers nearly all Europe, but we are open to exchanges with countries in other
regions, especially in the Americas.
The mobility traineeships in companies are just another case of the traineeships that all of our students are following. So the recognition of achievements is automatic, following similar patters and the same platforms (qBID).
The methodology of traineeships is explained at:
Traineeship Monitoring Tutorial:
The methodology of mobility traineeships is explained in the same document.
The foreign students will receive a diploma from the Regional Ministry of Education with the established ECTS for each subject they learn. In case of traineeships (work placement) this amounts 27 ECTS for the 383 h.
We have more that 80 years history, we are a small school with IT technical studies short cycles, and the number of our students increases yearly.
We believe mobility is really important. In fact, currently we have the resources to send one or two students per year to traineeships thanks the Fundacio FP European programms. However we feel that 1% is not enough and we would like to increase these figures to 5 - 7%.
By sending students to mobility programs we believe that they will improve their technical skills. Personal skills and their cultural view will be for sure improved too. Receiving and welcoming foreign students would be also positive for both incoming and outgoing students.
Our goal is try to send between 5 to 7% of our students to mobility programs, and welcome a similar number of foreign students here, providing them with information regarding accommodation, placement in companies with quality internships.
Ideally an exchange would take place during one of our three activities weeks (technical approaches to our professional background). Incoming students would benefit from joining our students in such activities. Also, they could be provided with Spanish lessons and any other guidance they might need.
A survey is conducted at the end of the course in order to be evaluated by the students, the local tutor, the mentor at their work placement and the tutor at their host school or company. Selection of our partners is done mainly through the School's own initiative.
We also choose partners in meetings organized by the Regional Ministry of Education, where the representatives from several schools from one country visit Barcelona to find partners locally. We are currently selecting partners with similar short cycle Agricultural technical studies. We also find partners through eTwinning project and the community of European schools (
At present, our institution's strategy for the organisation and implementation of international (EU and non-EU) cooperation projects is being developed. We have learning agreements with institutions such as City of London - Open Spaces Dept - North London division and Kew Gardens amongst others. Recently our international mobility coordinator met with Head Gardener of Pergola and Hill Garden in London. For the past 2 years, Hill Garden have been accepting students from Rubio i Tudurí School in work experience traineeships, in early summer, for around 3 months. The students sent have been qualified by the host tutor as excellent, hard working and responsible. Since both institutions are interested in improving joint projects not only for gardening purposes but also for conservation and arboriculture, it is natural to join forces for such a continuity of agreements.
Our institute plans to participate in small projects of cooperation through the Regional Ministry of Education. Our areas of interest are forestry and natural environment, landscape and rural areas management, and gardening, among others. Exchange of teachers will also be one of our goals.
We expected a very positive impact of our participation in the Erasmus+ Programme on the modernisation of our institution.
(1) Supporting reform through policy evidence, analysis and transparency. We will incorporate tools for profiling higher education institutions. We currently are in the process of obtaining ISO
9001:2008 quality processes.
(2) Promoting mobility. We work on the ECTS credit system. We will work with the Regional Ministry of Education in order to promote the Leonardo
and Erasmus mobility programs for short cycle young students. We aim to improve the English skills of our students.
(3) Putting Higher Education at the center of Innovation, job creation and employability. We participate in the Barcelona traineeships innovation program. Our students aim to simulate a cooperative in some of our
traineeships, where they run this mutual society on their own.
(4) Supporting the internationalization of European higher education. Internationalization of European higher education is backed by being members of the Erasmus Charter (since 2009).
(5) Strengthening the long-term impact and complementarity of EU funding
We will search for co-funders and recognition in our area from companies and Institutions such as:
Our school is undergoing a stage where improving quality standards and openness to European policies is being emphasized, so that the results of the center itself will improve. That is why our aim is to progressively increase our participation in mobility projects. We believe that work mobility is of outmost importance to our students.
Despite being a small center we devoted many efforts to carry out all projects that involve openness, through mobility of students and teachers. Both incoming and outgoing students are involved in a framework of equal learning rights and flexibility to adapt curricula to the extent of our ability to labour needs due to our professional studies nature. We rely on European skills standardization in order to ensure that professional skills are equally recognised.
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2007-08 school year
- A Resource management pupil.
- Grünflächenamt Berlin-Mitte, Germany
2008-09 school year
- A Resource management pupil.
- Finnish Forest Research Unit of Punkaharjun, Finland
2009-10 school year
- A Gardening pupil.
- Sterlin Albero, Switzerland (4-week stay)
- Four Gardening pupils.
- Jardim Botanico, Lisbon University, Portugal (3-week stay)
2010-11 school year
- Two Gardening pupils
- Jardim Botanico, Madeira, Faial Island
- Two Gardening pupils.
- Lappland Vocational College Gardening, Romanievi, Finland
Dublin, 2012
2011-12 school year
- A Gardening pupil.
- Goldens Hill Gardens, Hamsptead Heath, London, Great Britain
- A Gardening pupil.
- Kew Gardens, London, Great Britain
- A Gardeningm pupil
- Martin Nulty Lanscapes, Dublin, Ireland
- A Resource management pupil.
- Oulu, Finland
- A Resource management and a Gardening pupils.
- Germany
2012-13 school year
- A Gardening pupil.
- Goldens Hill Gardens, Hamsptead Heath, London, Great Britain
- A Gardening pupil.
- France
- A Resource management pupil.
- Finland
[caption align="left"]
2017 / 2018 school year new parthners (*):
- ZO CSOP Vlašim Czech Union for Nature Conservation Vlašim República Txeca (*);
- Inverewe Gardens, Scotland UK (*);
- Jardi Ortobotànico de Padova a Itàlia (Pàdua) (*);
- Hedmark UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES (HUAS) (Noruega) (*) Høgskolen i Innlandet University of Applied Sciences.
- Regne Unit (Golders Hill Park Hampstead Heath, a Londres); https: //
- Estònia: Intelligent Timber Solutions ITS (fusta i embalatges de fusta, Group-ITS)(* nova ubicació);
- Dipartamiento vaig donar Scienze Veterinarie Universitat de Torino (Itàlia) (*)
- Gamerschlagshof GmbH, Xanten, Alemanya (*)
- EPLEFPA Perpinyà Rosselló (*)
- Regne Unit (Hampstead Heath "Tree Team" Equip d'Arboricultura a Londres
2018 / 2019 school year:
- Italia (Jardín Ortobotànico de Padova, depenent de la Universitat de Padua) Padua. (MC)
- Alemanya. Biolanhof Reimer GbR (WWOOFI granja pentanyent a la comunitat mundial que promociona l’agricultura i pràctiques ecològiques al medi natural i rural). (PC)
- Estonia, Tallin, ITS – Intelligent Timber Solutions.
- Suecia, Malmo, The English Gardener, AB Transmorph (nova entitat 2019). (NLL)